Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Fast-forward >>

These last several weeks have felt like someone put the mom of this house on Fast Forward! Skip to the good parts, pass over the mindless commercials and get to the meat and potatoes of the evening, THE SHOW!! Well, we have several shows running in the Moran House currently, let me give you the TV guide version! (My dad loved the TV Guide and I hated it because it was always LOST). The Moran Auto Repair Show is CRAZY busy and it seems like a running of re-runs! The same vehicles show back up in the yard to have "OUR MAIN CHARACTER"(Moran) work on them. He doesn't mind one bit, some of his favorite customers cars he can tell you make/year/mileage and exactly what is wrong by just talking on the phone. His PASSION is working on cars.......he doesn't say NO very often and the yard is proof of that! The other show that has really kicked into MASSIVE episodes is Mitch and his summer track! He loves being a VIPER and being part of an amazing team. He loves the cast of athletes he has become best friends with and he loves the meets! He is hoping for some good results this weekend but is nursing a pretty nasty heel bruise.........so send some good vibes his way. Macy..........she is more of my "director in training!" She stays back with her sisters when I run Mitch to track and she puts supper on, whatever I have managed to prepare and stick in the fridge for the week. Today she is volunteering at Catholic Charities and she works beside her Grandma Kortte, probably her BEST FRIEND!! Marly is almost 2............... so really, she is the STAR of the show! LOL! IF she's hungry there are 5 humans willing to help her, if she's thirsty......same! She never wants for anything and is the closest one in the family to know what it is like to have servants! (she has life by the tail)! Molls is running an episode of Animal Kingdom, Fear Factor, Little House on the Prairie and Ridiculousness ALL AT ONCE! OH, you laugh but picture this...........Rudy in her arms, while practicing dribbling for basketball, while babysitting a praying mantis and a young Robin on the front porch.....................all while in just her unders! Yep, that's my Molly! She wears me out, she is constantly on the GO and will NOT take NO for an answer for anything! She loves to be outside and surrounded by every living creature she can get her hands on! MY part in these shows........ I feel like security at the front door. Don't come in and disrupt the madness, pay your money at the door to view it and please.............don't feed the animals! In all seriousness Molly is in the middle of a medication addition and it has thrown her little body into "grouch" mood so if she wants to hold Rudy (the guinea pig) in her undies we are inclined to let that go! I know, a kid that runs the house...............well its better then the alternative at this point. I enjoyed seeing a lot of friends at Neoga Days and my kids like running around with their friends so to those that put it on, Thank you from the Moran's! I had several people ask me when my next blog was coming..............so although not a lot of news, perhaps a little light heartedness to get you through this TUESDAY!

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