Thursday, May 25, 2017

Old Maide

Today and the days preceding I found myself feeling/looking similar to that retched picture of the grey-haired old lady in the deck of vixens in the game of Old Maide! I remember the heartbreak of drawing that card when we played as kids! That card became so wrinkled and destroyed because it never failed when one of use kids drew that card we would throw it or crumple it in a fist of rage (I know, slightly over-dramatic but if you played the game you can relate!) Well I feel like my life has had a lot more of these moments lately! I want to stomp my feet, say it isn't fair and throw something across the room! We have had a really bad couple of weeks when it comes to finances and Molly, no particular order. It seems like things in the house break or quit working all at once and this go round it was the big hitters, the geothermal, the washer and other things! To top all of that off Molly had a seizure Sunday night in her sleep. Her StL doctor has prescribed a new medicine that she is to take twice a day for three days.................and she has...................and this is where I want to throw things across the room! This am she got up early to pick berries, however, her body would not move like we are used to! She was in SLO-MO! She was emotional! She was a mess...............and I was late for work! Mace, in true Mace fashion, grabbed her some clean clothes, found her shoes and helped scurry her along and me, in true mom fashion, YELLED hurry up! She melted. She was now a slo-mo puddle of tears and couldn't understand why! Then it hit me, NEW MED, DUH MOM! I really stink at this mom thing sometimes! Today I feel worse then the Old Maide. I was late for work, they were late to the patch, she cried on plenty of berries I'm sure and I cried all the way to work as it hit me ............... she has a lot of adjusting but maybe the biggest adjustment is for ME! I cried and I prayed! I wonder sometimes why Old Maide has been popping up in our deck of life so much recently. I am reminded a lot of the blessings that we have! My husband is a rock, Mitch is steady, Macy is genuine, Molly is PURE and Marly............well she likes to scream a lot right now but in totality we have a lot to be thankful for; but man.............someone else can take their turn w/ that crappy card! In the game of life we are dealt a hand of cards and I know its how we play them but right now I want to throw the cards across the room, pull Molly in tight, the blankets over our heads and say I'm sorry. Keep Molly in your prayers and if you want the wrinkled card or have any idea how to get rid of it for good...................COME AND GET IT!

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