Friday, June 3, 2011's the RUNNING time of year!

Wow, never was a runner until I had kids. I don't mean jogging down the road and sweating my butt off either, who has time for that? Plus, I'm not quite sure how I would jog w/ a 27 lb toddler attached to my calf!!!  It seems we are gone every evening, either working or playing, nonetheless GONE!

All kids are having a ball so far this summer and we haven't left the County, LOL!  Summer ball is in full swing and Macy actually has her 1st game tonight. She has asked to stay home though, said she feels a little bit nervous. I'm sure it's not the butterflies I experienced in Highschool games..............but more like "who is gonna help me get my helmet on and which base is 1st???!" She will do fine once we get there but it will be a very new experience for her.  Mitch will also experience something new tonight...............watching from the sidelines.  Sis usually has Bubba pave her way and he takes that task willlingly, but today she will be flying solo w/ him supporting her from a distance. It will be very interesting to watch!

Everything happens for a reason and I try to remember that but our family continues to have life lessons thrown our way and I beleive on a daily basis we are becoming a better family for it. Several of you wonder how Molly's appt went in St. Louis..................we will know more after June 28th when she will see a lung specialist at Cardinal Glennon. Keep her on your prayer list, there are still struggles but with prayers and support we will conquer them! She is also starting to take steps..............which is the cutest thing I have ever seen! She cracks herself up when she does it!

Everyone have a safe and happy Summer.....................I know that is on our agenda!!!

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