Monday, May 2, 2011

14 months!

Today Molly is a fantastic 14 month old.............I say FANTASTIC loosely because any given day she can be found yanking out Macy's hair, biting my big toe (gross I know, but it is her fav) or slapping the sitter in the face! She is 14 months old today and wow what a personality this gal has! She is definitely our dare devil, however; that hasn't crossed over into her venturing out and taking a few steps. She seems scared to death to walk and will 'hunker' down anytime we try to lead her! Mitch and Mace are on the verge of starting coach pitch and tball (respectively) real soon and I'm not sure who is more excited. Mind you Mitch is pumped about hitting a homer and Mace is pumped about her pink spikes and pink helmet, so for very different reasons they can't wait to hit the field! Paul and I were able to take a cruise this last month over our 9 year anniversary and it was a very anticipated break from the craziness of it all............but man we missed our kiddo's! Macy is still recovering from our absence and hates to have mom out of her sight but she will be back to her ol' self soon (at least I hope)! Molly did well on all of her screenings and developmentally is getting right there w/ kids her age! We travel to Cardinal Glennon again May 31 and she will run a battery of tests there but I am sure her smile will win them all over to her way of thinking! 

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