Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Winner Winner, Pot Roast Dinner!

Yesterday was the day Molly had all of her physical therapy screenings................and she was found to be in-eligible for services. That's SO AWESOME, another battle won! It wasn't the idea of her needing therapy that made mom and dad a nervous wreck, it was the idea that we would have to find time to fit more in our crazy daily life!  I know it's no different out there for any of you reading this but scheduling therapy in the midst of late nights with work, t ball and coach pitch games definitely had us a little anxious!  She needs some support in areas but the therapists were certain mom and dad could work w/ her and accomplish her needs!  She really is amazing, as are all of our children!  Its days like yesterday that we know God has an awesome plan for our family! We are blessed beyond measure.................and we know it!

So w/ that great news I had a huge supper of roast, potatoes, carrots and butter breads in celebration!  After supper we signed Mitch and Mace up to play ball this year for the park league............they are both so excited. Sis requested shoes that weren't ugly....perhaps some light up or sparkly spikes and Bub's requested that sis not be on his team!  LOL

Monday, March 21, 2011

Moran milestones!

Some people have wondered what would possess a person to create a blog, well it's easy..... I love to write, it's thereapeutic for me.  I found that out very quickly at Cardinal Glennon.  It's not a brag letter, a poor me letter, an attention thing..............it's therapy for me. 

The end of last week into this week has been very busy and full of some milestones.  Molly celebrated her birthday yesterday and some amazing people stopped in to show her support! Thank you all for the cards and well wishes.......I have kept all the greeting cards for each child's first birthday and Molly is no different! Thanks again.  We served a fantastic meal (if I say so myself) and all the desserts one could want................Macy even had like sevenths I think!  That girl and her sweet tooth, dad can't wait until the tooth fairy adds that one to the collection! 

Tonight Molly experienced the swing in the yard for the first time and she couldn't stop giggling, music to our ears. I was afraid she would stop when I sent Paul in after the video camera but she didn't.  Mitch was right there to get her going again!

Macy went to preschool screening tonight and she was so excited.  Mitch was certainly worried when they brought Macy to a seperate room, he asked how he was supposed to protect her if he couldn't even see her.  Such dilemma's in a 7 year old's life! She will be starting pre school next year and Mitch will be in 2nd grade............that is if he can continue to behave this year! He has a very hard time raising his hand before he speaks!

Molly has physical therapy coming out Monday (possibly developmental therapy and occupational therapy as well).  She is behind in some areas but nothing of great alarm.  Say an extra prayer that she meets them with some patience and not much resistence.  She is at that stage where only mom and dad will do at times.

All 3 shorties are in bed and snoozing away and Paul is in the shop..............perfect time for me to get something done, like finally eat supper! Have a good evening

Thursday, March 10, 2011


Sunday March 20th we will be hosting the birthday party for Molly at 1pm!  We will be serving sloppy joe sandwiches and all the fixin's. If you can't make the meal but would still like to stop in and see the birthday girl please please feel free to do so. It's the support and prayers from all of you that have made her day a Glorious 1.  Mitch and Macy are so excited they are counting down the days to watch their little sister dive into her cake!  Hope to see you all at our house on Molly's big day ................. and the first day of Spring, WHOO HOOO!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Yep, Molly turned 1

I created this blog for the purposes of updating people with our progress with Molly! That's right folks, our baby girl has turned 1 so with that we move from caring bridge..........to a family blog!  Her journey has impacted our life beyond measure and I still have so many people that ask about her on a daily basis so I will keep this up for those of you who are close to our hearts but maybe live far away. You will now have the option to be a fly on our wall.............perhaps just as unpleasant as it sounds at times! In regards to where we are at with Molly:  Today I called to get Molly screened developmentally.  She is behind in some of the things a 1 year old "should" be doing.  Nothing of great concern, nonetheless a hurdle!  We as a family should be able to deal with everything thrown our way by this time..........but Mom face-plants with every new hurdle, really I do!  I used to not be a cryer but now I am more often then not, ugh! In speaking with the developmental therapist though she was amazing, another great person that I have met through this experience! I found a lot of relief in her voice and what she had to say, however, I still find myself upset with the "extra" that Molly is going to have to deal with...........but enough of that, we will deal with all of that when it's time!  Molly had an amazing photo session on her birthday, March 2nd!  March 20th will be her 1 year birthday party.............at Mitch's request we will be celebrating on the anniversary of Molly's "welcome home" party!  She spent 21 days at Cardinal Glennon and each day that passes now seems to go so much faster then they did in the hospital.  March 2nd when I woke up this time was so different, however........still some of the same emotions returned! I was so anxious and nervous that day and couldn't shake it, images and memories kept wanting to flood in and remind me of what i was doing a year ago! I didn't leave Molly out of my sight that day and held her more then normal, which is a lot! Mitch is now 7 and Macy Jane will be 4 in May! Where does time go? Paul and I ventured out this weekend to St. Louis to spend some time with friends and attend Mardi Gras and we had a lot of fun! It was evident though that we have been playing parents for so long we kind of forgot how to act in public............no, we didn't do anything too crazy but it was like we got our social wings back, at least for the night!  It was so nice to go out and let our hair down but we were ready to jump right back into that roll of being parents!  I was told by Macy Jane when I got back that she had more fun with Grandma Jane then she does with me............but that I snuggled better then Grandma Jane! Guess I have to take what I can get!  I will have Macy at the pre school round up in 2 weeks and I'm guessing she will have words for the screener too, we tend to call her sassy sissy at home! Mitch has taken the big brother roll a little too seriously.  I asked him the other day to let mom address the issues with Macy and he said, "Mom, you have enough to worry about, I can handle Queen Curly." WHOA Buddy! Hope you enjoyed your visit, will update again!