Thursday, December 19, 2013


Mom's nerves are shot. I say this as sweet as I can and with as much patience as I can but it's where I'm at. There are a whole hosts of reasons......but mostly perspective (or a gross lack thereof). Puke in the middle of the night makes us appreciate the non puke riddled night, rain makes us appreciate sunshine, bills even cause a sense of accomplishment when we get them quit whining!I want to shout this from my rooftop. Someone right now is experiencing loss or overwhelming grief, perhaps the weight of sadness or depression and we are really gonna complain about the lines at Walmart, the traffic, the price of milk.....get it together people. Guzzle down a big dose of acceptance and realize everyone you meet has a current battle! Love others and treat others with great kindness! With that said my Molly is staring down her nose at another hospital visit and surgery. She will be getting her upper airways Un blocked and her ears back to "hearing!" This occurs 12.27 so a few extra prayers to help ease her through a nasty recovery would be great! I wish this wasn't going to happen to Molly but Faith will get this nervous nelly momma through this!